From LoveTruthSite / Only Truth Matters: "Every single person who gets JABBED - becomes hooked into the INTERNET OF THINGS. Therefore "THEY" become AGENTS for the World Wide A.I. (Artifical Intelligence) running the system. JABBED PEOPLE ARE POTENTIAL AGENTS... Because the JAB is filled with self assembling Nano-technologies - which by the way are SELF AWARE - then anyone who gets the JAB then BECOMES a host or an antenna for A.I. or Artificial Intelligence. When each individual becomes a host for AI - then the AI can use that human body (by way of the internet) to SEE what is happening in every corner of the globe and AI can MONITOR what is going on everywhere. So YES - what I'm saying is true - everyone who gets the JAB will "become" an AGENT for the control system - because that system will be using their BODIES as spy devices to see and hear into every corner. GETTING THE JAB - hooks you up to the MATRIX... If by getting the JAB - you are choosing to get hooked up to the MATRIX..., then you must WANT to be part of the Matrix. So the real question is this: Are you NEO - who is fighting to break FREE and get OUT of the Matrix - or are you CIPHER - who is a coward and wants BACK IN to the Matrix because its easy???"
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